Télécharger Die Reise ins Glück ou regarder en streaming Torrent magnet

Die Reise ins Glück
en streaming ou téléchargement

  • Durée du film complet: 73 Mn
  • Fantastique
  • Sortie: 16 Avril 2004
Note de 5.6 pour 5 votes []

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Synopsis Die Reise ins Glück

IMDB review by user "Lari-Fari" : "To make it short, "Die Reise ins Glück" is a film you either love or hate, with very few shades possible between those extremes. I consider it one of the most beautiful things I've ever witnessed and have seen it four times by now, but I know that there are people who would walk out of it or even yell vicious curses against the screen (I'm not joking here!).".

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